ESF 10
17th July 2020
The Procurement window for ESF 10 - 'Practical & advisory support for employers to overcome barriers to recruiting people with disabilities' is currently closed For more information contact us on 01535 607775 Read More...17th July 2020
The Procurement window for ESF 10 - 'Practical & advisory support for employers to overcome barriers to recruiting people with disabilities' is currently closed For more information contact us on 01535 607775 Read More...17th July 2020
ESF 1 - Improving low level skills amongst young people and adults in the CLLD area, including basic skills, language and communication, personal development, employability, and ICT and digital. The Procurement window is now closed Read More...17th July 2020
The six week procurement window is now closed for ESF 13 - Stimulating local level collaboration amongst residents, small businesses and other local economic bodies, to support social inclusion and environmental improvements Read More...17th July 2020
Current CLLD Projects ESF 1 Improving low level skills amongst young people and adults in the CLLD area, including basic skills, language and communication, personal development, employability and ICT and digital. Please contact Craven College for further information ESF 13 Providing pathways for integration and re-entry into employment for unemployed / economically inactive CLLD residents, through employer engagement for a range of activities including short work tasters, training facilities, training equipment rental, job clubs, work experience, job/career pathways information and... Read More...25th October 2019
We are pleased to announce that our first projects;- ERDF 9 - Support for new forms of enterprise including social economy and social enterprises, ESF 2 - Providing pathways for integration and re-entry into employment for unemployed/ economically inactive CLLD residents, through employer engagement for a range of activities including short work tasters, training facilities, Training equipment rental, job clubs, work experience, job/career pathways information and awareness ESF 4 - Holistic family-focused support provision addressing core/employability skills and barriers to... Read More...14th March 2019
Thank you to all those who came to see us at our local Drop In events to find out what CLLD is all about and how the funding could benefit : - them - their families - their future - your community The Community Led Local Development area includes Keighley East, West and Central Wards Our Drop In events were held at: Laycock Village Hall, Laycock Lane, Keighley on 13th June, 1pm – 3pm Foster Gardens Community Centre, Broster Ave,... Read More...