Keighley has been successful in securing £2.4m of European Structural Investment Funds managed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
The funding for Keighley CLLD includes £1.4m from the European Regional Development Fund (MHCLG) and £1m from the European Social Fund (DWP) amounting to 50% of the total programme value of £4.8m
To achieve the total value of the programme, the funding will be matched by delivery partners and commissioned activity deliverers
There is no match funding from Central Government but with the assistance of Bradford Council, Keighley CLLD has been successful in securing additional public funding of £500, 000
Keighley Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Programme is locally managed and will provide support to residents and businesses in selected areas of Keighley – primarily the 20% most deprived Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in Keighley East, West and Central wards, and is designed to:
‘encourage local groups & organisations rooted in the community to deliver projects that contribute to increased employment, develop new & existing businesses and improve opportunities to enhance local life’
This local development strategy has been developed by the Keighley CLLD Local Action Group (LAG) and has been validated by businesses, residents and other stakeholders within the CLLD area.
Bradford Council is the accountable body for the Keighley CLLD Programme .
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